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The Reaver Scout

2 minutes ago

2 min read




Hello Everyone!

Today I want to introduce you all to Reaver's Scout character class, but first I'd like to direct everyone to a chat I had with Karl on The GMologist Presents. We talked about Lovecraft, Eldritch Tales, Reaver, and world-building and you can check it out on YouTube or via podcast! (I may have dropped the news of a hoped-for $20k stretch goal as well ;-)

Reaver Sword & Sorcery Role-Playing Game is currently on Kickstarter!

The Scout Class

As you would imagine, the Scout class is our version of the classic Ranger, however to suit the genre it has some significant difference. Most clearly, the Scout has no spellcasting or animal companions built in to the class; still, players who want to get close to that may build such a character through their Career choices. Scouts have good vitality and defense statistics. 

The Scout is a competent melee fighter, though not as strong as a Fighter or other warrior class, however they have improved ability with dual-weapon fighting---they are the only character that gets a bonus off-hand attack.  The true combat focus of the Scout is ranged combat and their skirmisher ability gives them a +1d to attacks and damage with a specific chosen ranged weapon, which puts them on par with a Fighter using a favored ranged weapon.  Though Scouts can use armor, they are very agile and their nimble fighting ability allows them to use their Agility to modify attacks and damage with light melee weapons, while their evasive ability improves their Defense while unarmored.

Their remaining abilities are more utilitarian. The forestry ability gives them a bonus when perform certain actions in the wilderness, like tracking, sneaking, climbing, and force marching, while their light step allows them to travel overland more quickly and makes them hard to be tracked themselves. Finally, their alertness means that Scouts are especially aware of their surroundings and can detect hidden dangers.

Until next time!

A greyscale sketch of a dark-skinned scout holding a helmet with a bow and quiver on his back and wearing a cloak.

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