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The Reaver Magus

Mar 16

2 min read




Moorcock's Elric. Wagner's Kane. Tierney's Simon of Gitta---all characters that wield both sword and sorcery with equal skill. Such protagonists are rare, but not unknown in Sword & Sorcery fiction; in Reaver, such a character is a Magus.

Reaver is currently funding on Kickstarter.

Their vitality and fighting skills are both good, though not as good as a Fighter. Still, the Magus class offers abilities that combine combat and magic and their favored weapon ability allows them to choose a weapon with which they specialize, improving their combat ability. Unlike Sorcerers, Magi can wear armor while casting spells, thanks to their armored adept ability, and can do so while wearing any armor with which they are proficient.

They must choose one Sorcerer Tradition (Hermeticsm, Mysticism, Witchery) which determines their spell list and, though they don't gain any other benefits of the tradition, Magi can use artifacts that are restricted to Sorcerers and create spell scrolls. The Magus gains the Hermetic Sorcerer's mystical alignments ability, so that they can harness the power of celestial movements into one of their spells each day.

The Magus's armed invoker ability allows them to make a free attack with a melee or thrown weapon they are holding after successfully casting a spell. Finally, with their focus will ability, when a Magus spends Resolve to improve as weapon attack or damage, that attack is considered magical and can harm creatures that are immune to normal weapons, even if they're incorporeal.

The Magus's unique blending of skills allows them to approach problems from a variety of perspectives with a flexible "fighter-mage" competency that other classes can only come near through Career choices.

Art by Joseph Salvador
Art by Joseph Salvador


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