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RPGaDAY 2024 Final Days!

Sep 4

3 min read




I've never taken part in RPGaDAY, though I've been following other creators as they cover prompt on blogs and podcasts for years. #RPGaDAY seeks to bring positivity through interesting discussion centered on a specific prompt for each day of August. I'll be going through the prompts on a weekly basis and all thoughts offered are those of myself, Joe Salvador, and not those of Raven God Games LLC and we are not connected to any of the games or companies mentioned. Links are provided for your convenience only.

You can learn more about RPGaDAY here.

Sorry this is coming in a bit late!

DAY 22: Notable NPC. Creating notable NPCs might happen during prep time or during the game, when a NPC unexpectedly emerges to draw the player's attention. Once I know that an NPC is going to be important, I give them some deeper traits and quirks, maybe a distinctive accent or manner of speaking. All of this in an effort to make the NPC memorable and fun to interact with.

DAY 23: Peerless Player. I don't want to pick anyone in particular, so instead, let me say the the best players are those that are invested and present in the game. You don't have to bring snacks. You don't have to write a 3-page background. I just want players to be interested in what's happening in the story of the game, attentive, and involved. I think I've been pretty lucky finding those kinds of players.

DAY 24: Acclaimed Advice. The best piece of advice I ever read, and I can't remember where, in relation to gaming/publishing is---if you have an idea, run with it; if you want to write something, write it. Nothing is stopping you.

DAY 25: Desirable Dice. There are some great dice out there. I use Chessex regularly, but the DCC dice produced by Impact are really nice, everyone should have a set.

DAY 26: Superb Screen. I don't have a favorite screen really, they all kinda do the same thing for their particular game. I prefer landscape screens, and the vinyl screen available through DTRPG is really useful if you like to use inserts. The most recent screen to fall into my hands is the mini-format Mothership screen, it's pretty rad.

DAY 27: Marvelous Miniature. Tough one, there are a ton of minis out there. I'll just say that some of my favorite producers of minis are Corvus Belli, for their amazing Infinity figures; Ral Partha, for their classic style; and Reaper, for their amazing options and incredible availability.

DAY 28: Great Gamer Gadget. With all of my gaming happening online, I'd have to say the PC is the most necessary gadget these days.

DAY 29: Awesome App: Trello. Trello, available as a website or via a mobile app, is a project management tool that allows you to organize information under topics. Each bit of info is set on an editable "card" to which you can attach images, files, etc. How doe this relate to gaming? Trello has proven to be extremely useful in managing online games, and I think would be great for an in-person game as well. My campaign includes topics for PCs, Allies, Enemies, Places, Religion, Treasure, Recaps, and more. The player can keep their PC sheets uploaded on their card, so they never get lost, they can check what information they know about an NPC, and we can check the recaps for forgotten info. You get the picture. The only "issue" I have with it is that there is no way to hide info from the other members, so you have to keep you GM notes separately.

DAY 30: Person You'd Like to Game With. If I had to pick someone living, I'd choose Dr. Justin Sledge of Esoterica, professor of philosophy and religion, whose expertise in occult mysticism would have to translate to an amazing spellcasters-only game. I bet Edgar Allen Poe would run a mad game as well.

DAY 31: Game You Miss. No reason to look for a specific game or a title---I miss the weekly game with friends sitting around a table. All of my gaming is done online these days, with great friends and amazing people, but its always better in person and more regular.

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