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Reaver Barbarians & Berserkers

Sep 14, 2024

2 min read




Reaver Sword & Sorcery RPG presents several 'fighting' classes, not least being the Barbarian and the Berserker. In today's post, I want to discuss these character classes.

The Barbarian

Barbarians are wilderness warriors and mobile damage dealers. Unlike most modern takes on the class, the Reaver version does not have a 'rage' ability (that's left to the Berserker). They have balanced combat dice and the most raw hit points of any class. Their mighty attack and savage blows abilities combine to make them reasonably good at crowd control, especially when fighting minions who are always slain with a single hit.

Their fleet-footed ability gives them strong overland options (remember Conan and Subotai running everywhere?). Furthermore, with the expenditure of 1 Resolve, they can (as a free action) make a close move before any other characters act during the round, without losing their normal movement, and regardless of their initiative standing. This allows them to move around the battlefield at opportune times to interpose themselves where needed, confront lesser foes and make use of their mighty attack, move to safety, or to stop foes from escaping.

Obstacles prove less of a worry during their movement, due to their athleticism (tigerish thews) allowing them to leap or climb easily, while their danger sense helps them avoid unseen hazards and ambushes and their iron will helps them escape the effects of some sorcerous powers. Their survival ability, of course, represents their wilderness upbringing.

The Berserker

Where the Barbarian is a well-rounded attacker with a variety of abilities, the Berserker revolves almost entirely around its dangerous berserk fury ability. They have average base Melee Dice, but poor Ranged and Defense Dice. They can only wear light armor and their hit points average slightly less than a Fighter's, but this is mitigated by their ability to soak damage.

Their berserk fury is the defining feature of the class and can be activated a limited number of times per rest. The fury improves the Berserker's melee attacks and damage and grants them natural damage reduction (and all of those numbers get better as the character gains levels). They are immune to charms and illusions, and if brought to 0 hp while in a fury, a Feat of Stamina allows them to remain at 1 hp. There is a trade-off though—their Defense is penalized while in a fury, they cannot flee, retreat, or take the parry action, and they have a hard time ending the fury early (and may harm their allies or innocents). Once the fury has left them, the Berserker experiences a period of fatigue.

Berserkers are rounded out by their intimidating presence, which helps them intimidate others, and the resilient ability that allows them to shrug off damage. Finally, the Berserker chooses a totem to represent their spirit animal and this grants them a mechanical benefit.

The Reaver Kickstarter is currently funding!


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